Kid & Adult Friendly

Just missed the cut:
Also nominated:
- Bohnanza
- Carcassonne
- Careers
- Cartagena
- Chicken Cha Cha Cha
- Dawn Under
- Enchanted Forest
- Giro Gallopo
- HamsterRolle
- Hare and Tortoise
- Heroscape
- Maus Nach Haus
- Pick Picknic
- Pig Pile
- Russelbande
- Take It Easy
- Tonga Bonga
- Walk the Dogs
For comparison, the top five games from 2002:
Labels: Kids, Magical Doorways, Subjective Yumminess
This was a difficult category, as is evidenced by the nominees. Since I didn't specify an age range, some of the games aimed towards playing with younger players (Chicken Cha Cha Cha, for example) while some are definitely for older players (Carcassonne, Tonga Bonga).
OTOH, the list you have here is very good for adults... all of these games are enjoyable for elementary school age kids without making you want to have a frontal lobotomy when you're finished playing.
Surprise nominee: Careers... though I will concede that it's a very enjoyable game. I just never would have thought of it.
Surprise winner: Amazing Labyrinth... while I like the game, it's more of a "quiet thinker" than a boisterous "let's get the family together to play" kind of game.
Thanks for putting this together, Mark. All the games on the main list are in our collection and played with my 7 and 5 year old children with some regularity.
Originally, Midnight Party was a problem for my kids, as they didn't like when their pieces were caught by the ghostly Hugo but eventually they decided it was good fun. We have the 3-D Labyrinth which certainly adds some visual interest for guest players (other kids in the neighborhood).
We love Gulo Gulo and I certainly encourage people to use M&M peanuts for a little dessert while playing to encourage both adults and kids alike to play. You get to eat the eggs you pull, although you can shorten the game by using less tiles so as not to fill up too much on sweets.
BTW, Crokinole has recently been a hit with my kids, too. It amazes me what five-year-old Gwyndolyn can accomplish and I like that they can feel the need for precision even more than on Carabande/Pitchcar, which they attack pretty simply, because of the barriers and placement of the other pieces. Similar things rule in C/P but they are just more obvious to them in Crokinole.
Just to back up Eric's assertion, I first learned Crokinole as a pre-schooler, and loved it for several years, before kind of forgetting it. I rediscovered how much fun it is as an adult shortly before I found BGG. I don't get to play it as often as I would like now :(
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